Doctor dressed up as the Joker delivers newborn on Halloween

Oaklyn Selph was born on Halloween.

ByABC News
November 5, 2017, 9:35 PM

— -- A baby girl born on Halloween was still able to celebrate, thanks to her doctor.

Dr. Paul Locus, an obstetrician at the Henry County Medical Center in Paris, Tennessee, helped Oaklyn Selph into the world, donning a costume that made him appear like the Joker. The doctor sported a green wig along with white face paint and the Joker's signature sloppy lipstick.

"My actual due date was not until today, but Tuesday morning I woke up, and I felt like my water was leaking," Oaklyn's mother, Brittany Selph, told ABC News today.

Brenden Selph, 10, with Dr. Paul Locus, dressed as The Joker, on Oct. 31, 2017.
Justin Selph

Selph said she'd given birth two times before, so knew it may be a while before she delivered. She then sent her two children -- 10-year-old Brenden and 4-year-old McKinley -- to school, since they were excited for the holiday.

Selph, 32, and her husband of six years, Justin Selph, didn't arrive at the hospital until about 12:30 p.m. Halloween.

"That's when we found out [Locus] was dressed for Halloween that day as the infamous Joker," Justin Selph, 33, told ABC News. "We couldn't help but laugh when he walked in the room."

The Selph family of Waverly, Tennessee celebrates the birth of their youngest child, Oaklyn, on Oct. 31, 2017.
Justin Selph

The doctor told the parents it'd be a while before Selph gave birth, the couple told ABC News, adding that he planned to give out candy at his home then return to the hospital without his costume.

"But I told him, if he came back in it, it's OK. That'd be a pretty cool story to tell," Brittany Selph of Waverly, Tennessee, added.

Around 8:20 p.m., she gave birth to her third child. Locus -- still in his costume -- later handed Justin Selph scissors to cut Oaklyn's umbilical cord.

Newborn Oaklyn Selph was born on Oct. 31, 2017 to proud parents Justin and Brittany Selph.
Justin Selph

"It was a good laugh," the proud mother said of her festive delivery. "It was all in good fun, and it was Halloween."

Justin Selph said, "The next morning, he came in to check on Brittany, and he said, 'Sorry I couldn't make it in last night, glad to see the delivery went well.' [He was] joking of course. He also gave her a card of congratulations, and he signed it 'Dr. Joker.'"

The hospital declined to comment on the incident other than to confirm that it happened.