Fitness Tips: Anywhere, Anytime, No Gear Required
Your bare-bones guide to getting back in shape.

Dec. 28, 2013— -- It's the most lazy-ful week of the year. You've got Netflix queued up, a refrigerator stocked with leftovers and a tin of cookies demanding your attention. Apart from returning some unfortunate gifts and visiting with family, nothing much is on your schedule for the next few days.
And somewhere around the 10,000th cookie, your body will go, "OK, this isn't so much fun anymore." When the overdid-it feeling hits, you don't need to schlep to your regular gym class. Actually, you don't even need to put on shoes.
Fitness experts agree, it doesn't matter where you are (living room, hotel gym, hotel room) or what equipment you have. Where there's a will and a 5x5-square-foot space, there's a workout.
Expert No. 1 -- Certified personal trainer Matthew Kornblatt launched in late February 2013, and is expanding nationwide. His concept is simple: help personal trainers link up with potential clients, and vice-versa.
Kornblatt's lifelong interest in fitness, combined with his entrepreneurial spirit and understanding of what's wrong with the system (i.e. most would-be trainees are limited to gym referrals and word-of-mouth) inspired him to found his business almost immediately out of college.
To Burn: To get the maximum results in minimum time, Kornblatt recommends efficiency workouts that alternate interval training with cardio. Set a circuit of eight different exercises, and perform each exercise for a minute, with a 15-second active rest in between. After completing the eight-exercise circuit, do a 5-10 minute jog/run. Then go straight back into the exercise circuit. You won't get bored, won't let intensity drop and can complete a full workout in just 45 minutes (warmup/cool-down not included).
No Running Against the Wind: This Chicago native doesn't recommend battling against extreme weather if you're not used to it. Instead, find that 5x5-square-foot indoor space and power through an exercise circuit that includes squat jumps, lunges, push-up variations, plank exercises and crunches. Instead of the treadmill or running, do high-knees running in place and/or "jump rope" motions without the actual rope.
Say No to … : Holiday food in general is notoriously unhealthy, but if you have to pick one thing to avoid at all costs, Kornblatt says stay away from sodas. They're the bane of a healthy existence, and they're not even festive.
Expert No. 2 -- Kwame "Q" Reece is a professional boxer and fitness trainer who runs Q's Quality Fitness out of legendary Gleason's Gym in Brooklyn, N.Y. With a private clientele evenly divided between men and women, Q creates workouts that are based on pro boxing training regimens. Here's what he tells clients that can't get to the gym:
This Is Your Warmup: To combat 48 hours of holiday feasting, Q simply increases the warmup routine: Run two miles instead of one, or three instead of two. Other favorite warmup exercises are the stairs -- run up and down flights if a stair-stepper machine is not available. And the Twenty-Fives: 25 jumping jacks, 25 high knees, 25 kick-backs. Repeat twice back to back, then do a series of squats and lunges, then go back to the Twenty-Fives. There! Now your heart rate's up, and you're ready for the real workout. If you feel light-headed or dizzy at any time, stop. You're not Hercules.