Have a Killer Chocolate Recipe? Submit It for the Chance at Winning a House

Turns out your sweet tooth may just come in handy.

ByABC News
June 25, 2015, 1:05 PM
Christina Summers posing in front of her grandmother's home, which she is giving away in a recipe contest.
Christina Summers posing in front of her grandmother's home, which she is giving away in a recipe contest.
Courtesy Christina Summers

— -- Turns out your sweet tooth may just come in handy: a woman is holding a recipe contest to award her late grandmother’s Maryland home to the person who concocts the best chocolate creation.

Christina Summers, who sells the thick hot chocolate product Dolce Vite Chocolatto for a living, is hoping to find creative uses for her product.

“I want to find recipes of how to use Chocolatto and how to improve it,” Summers, 34, said. “They can just be chocolate, but I’m really looking or something that utilizes Chocolatto. That’s really what would be a winning recipe for me.”

Christina Summers with her grandmother.

Summers decided to hold the contest after hearing about the Maine inn holding an essay contest to give away the hotel. She added the $100 entry fee to get up to the market price for the house, which is $245,000. If she doesn’t get the required 2,450 submissions by July 31, she’ll return the money and put the house on the market the traditional way.

The house, located 12 miles outside Washington, D.C. in Temple Hills, Maryland has three bedrooms, two bathrooms and a finished basement.

Dolce Vite, the thick hot chocolate product Christina Summers sells.

“I think my grandmother would approve of this because she loved to help people and she loved to see other people happy, so this would make one person in particular very happy,” Summers explained.