Man Builds 400-Foot Railroad in Backyard Because He 'Got a Wild Bug'

All aboard the Cory Mohl Railroad!

ByABC News
June 16, 2016, 12:07 PM

— -- All aboard the Cory Mohl Railroad!

Mohl, of West Valley City, Utah, has spent $17,500 building his very own working backyard train because he “just got a wild bug and decided to do it.”

“I’ve always been a train enthusiast, and I’ve got a bunch of model railroads packed away so when my daughter spreads her wings I can finally build those again,” he told ABC News of his hobby. “I’ve got about 400 feet of track that goes around the yard. And that’s not counting what goes through the shed.”

Apparently the love of trains is a common theme in his neighborhood.

“Ironically enough, there’s a guy that’s a half a mile from me that has a railroad that runs around his house and across the driveway, so I got the locomotive from him,” said Mohl, 43.

Man Builds 400-Foot Backyard Railroad Because He ‘Got a Wild Bug’
Courtesy of Cory Mohl

After getting the idea to build the Cory Mohl Railroad, as he jokingly refers to it, in December, the train is now complete and already becoming a main attraction in his area.

“A few people coming knocking and ask about it, and a couple kids asks for rides here and there,” he explained.

He does have plans to expand it even further though, and definitely add some decorations for future holidays.

“I eventually want to build a little town around it with little buildings to scale,” Mohl said.

And for Halloween?

“I’ll build a graveyard and get a fog machine and make it really spooky out there,” he said.

His 1-year-old grandson isn’t quite old enough to appreciate the personal railroad just yet, “but give him a couple years until clicks and he’ll love it,” Mohl said.

As for now, “I’m just looking to have a big toy for myself,” he added. “Maybe it will inspire someone else to do something like this. I decided to do it because I had to give up ice skating because I’m having a problem with my foot so I thought, ‘What other crazy thing could I get into?’”