Marry Prince Harry: Charm School Shares Etiquette Tips for Wannabe Princesses

Learn how to snag the world's most eligible royal bachelor.

ByABC News
May 10, 2016, 2:35 PM

— -- Henry Charles Albert David -- known to many as Prince Harry -- is considered one of the world's most eligible bachelors. With those royal good looks, that messy red hair, and his trademark rambunctious charm, the second son of Prince Charles and the late Princess Diana has spent his life in the spotlight.

And ever since his brother walked now-Duchess Kate Middleton down the aisle in 2011, the world has been wondering when wedding bells would ring for the younger prince.

So when Harry himself touched down this week in Orlando, Florida, for the 2016 Invictus Games, a competition for wounded warriors, it was a scene that sent some single women around the country into full on Harry Mania.

"I think there will be thousands of women going to Orlando for the hope that they just get the glance," said Myka Meier, founder and director of Beaumont Etiquette.

If you thought the 31-year-old might be a bit out of your league, Meier says not to write yourself off so fast. "I've been known as the Marry Poppins of Etiquette," she told ABC News, adding that she can help make your princess dream into a reality.

At one of New York City's most regal hotels, The Plaza, she puts her skills to work with an etiquette course called Marry Harry. "I think he loves America. He's been very open about that," Meier said.

The four-hour-long course promises to coach an aspiring princess in everything she needs to know to nab her prince. Turns out, there is a lot to learn.

Prince Harry Etiquette Class Teaches Women How to Become Princess-Worthy

First, Meier says a true lady never crosses her legs at the knee, as many American women do. Instead, she says, it is proper to sit with your legs at an angle known as the Duchess Slant, a look Kate Middleton has perfected.

Once you're seated, Meier says to mind your manners at the dinner table and take small bites.

"The way that you can test if your bite was too big is if someone were to ask you a question right away, would you need to do the [wait gesture]?" Meier said. If you have to wait to answer, then your bite was probably too big, she says.

    Meier also says that a true lady has mastered the art of the exit.

    "What you do is say, 'Please excuse me,'" she says. "Then you would take your napkin and you'd pinch it in the middle and then when you stand up you would simply leave it in your chair and this signifies to wait staff, I'm coming back."

    Once dinner's over, if you find yourself out on the town, Meier says there is only one way to look like a lady while getting into a taxi: the swirl and pop.

    "So we are putting our backside in first," she explained. "And then we put knees and ankles together, and then it's swirl and pop."

    And finally, if you do happen to snag an encounter with the prince, Meier says look, but don't touch.

    "If that happens ... remember to wait to be introduced," she said. "No touching of the prince, so besides a hand shake, you wouldn't want to touch him."

    The course starts at $875.00 dollars, and it's extra if you want a facial that will give you that regal glow. You might think it is a small price to pay, for a princess in the making.