New Men's Beauty Line Brings Beer Into the Bathroom

Shampoo and condition with some beer.

ByABC News
June 26, 2015, 1:22 PM
Carlsberg is debuting a line of men's beauty products made with its beer.
Carlsberg is debuting a line of men's beauty products made with its beer.

— -- Beer bros rejoice: you can now get more brew in your life in the morning hours in a socially acceptable way.

Carlsberg has launched a beauty series for men that includes shampoo, conditioner and body lotion. Each product in the line contains nearly 17 ounces of real Carlsberg beer.

“The beer is freeze-dried into a powder, and then mixed with organic ingredients in order to create a unique series of products,” Carlsberg brewmaster Erik Lund said in a statement.

A lot of the compounds in beer are good for the skin, according to Carlsberg’s director of research strategy Zoran Gojkovic.

“You have proteins, you have fibers, you have vitamins. Yeast, for example, it’s a big source of vitamin B,” Gojkovic said. “When you put that in the shampoo or whatever beauty series, it’s actually very good compounds for your skin.”

Carlsberg's shampoo, conditioner and body lotion.

Carlsberg maintains that the main ingredients in a Carlsberg lager -- barley, hops and yeast -- are rich in vitamin B and silicium, which are “said to have beautifying properties for both hair and skin.”

But Dr. Barney J. Kenet, a dermatologist at New York Presbyterian Hospital and Weill Cornell Medical Center in New York City, was skeptical of the beauty claims.

“Their comments that the hops, yeast, B vitamins and silicium are nourishing to the skin is not really relevant to common sense," he said.

"First of all, skin does not receive its nourishment from the outside. So those added ingredients aren’t nutritive per se. Your vitamin B and silicium comes from diet. The likelihood of adding them to your skin cream for any specific benefit doesn’t make a lot of common sense,” he said. “So it’s a great gimmick. I smiled. I liked it. I might even have it in my house for fun. But I seriously doubt I’d buy a second bottle.”