Mom Raises Awareness After Sharing Son's Frightening Crib Incident

"It was just terrifying," she said.

ByABC News
April 13, 2016, 5:13 PM
Alison Johnson, 37, of Phoenix, Arizona, shared a story on her Facebook page after her son, Caleb, 1 year, was found stuck in between two cribs.
Alison Johnson, 37, of Phoenix, Arizona, shared a story on her Facebook page after her son, Caleb, 1 year, was found stuck in between two cribs.
Courtesy Alison Johnson

— -- An Arizona mom is hoping to raise awareness of a little-known issue surrounding baby cribs, after finding her 1-year-old stuck between two of them last week.

Alison Johnson of Phoenix, Arizona posted the story to her Facebook page along with a photo of the space where her twin son Caleb experienced the frightening ordeal.

Twins Caleb and Libby photographed with their younger sister Winnie, 7 weeks old.
Courtesy Alison Johnson

The post read, in part:

"...This morning I put Caleb down for his nap. Shortly after he started to cry. After a few minutes, I went in to check on him. He had climbed out of his crib and was stuck between his crib and Libby's crib. His body fit through, but his head wouldn't. He was using every ounce of energy he had to hold himself up by his little arms. If they had given out, he would've just been hanging there by his head."

Johnson told ABC News that the morning of the incident, she had put her twins Caleb and Libby down for a nap.

Because Libby takes longer naps than Caleb, Johnson said she put them in separate rooms.

"The cribs are side-by-side in their nursery," she explained. "There's some woodwork on the backboard, so even when it's pushed together it leaves a small gap. I never looked at it as a danger."

Johnson believes Caleb was fighting his nap when he tried climbing out of his crib.

After hearing the toddler cry, Johnson said she rushed in to find Caleb stuck sideways between the two cribs, elbows bent and holding all of his body weight up by his arms.

"He was using every ounce of his strength to hold himself up," she said. "You could tell by the look on his face. If his arms had given out, he would've [fallen] through. I just ran over there as fast as I could to get him out of this situation because it was just terrifying."

Twins Caleb and Libby Johnson, 1 year old pictured in an undated photo.
Courtesy Alison Johnson

In an effort to warn her fellow twin moms, Johnson posted the incident onto her Facebook page where it received over 50,000 shares.

"A lot of reasons why I think it's been shared so much is because you don't hear lots of stories like this," she said. "Moms don't want the judgments, but I was like, 'I have to share this.'"

"I knew there was going to be some mean comments," she added. "I knew some people would judge me. I knew that would happen, but I just don't care because I feel 1,000 percent confident in my heart that we've saved at least one life."