Rescue Dog Named Frito to Reunite With Long Lost Siblings for 'Puppy Playdate'

“It’s going to be a lot of fun. We’re very excited."

ByABC News
January 25, 2017, 2:55 PM

— -- They say every dog has its day, and for this adopted pup named Frito, Feb. 18 will be his.

That’s the day he’ll reunite for the first time with his doggy siblings, who were all rescued from Texas Humane Heroes in October 2015.

Frito’s owner, Corie Gemmiti, was inspired to find her sweet pet’s biological family after scrolling through old photos and coming across an adorable one of all the siblings together as young puppies.

“When I first adopted him, the lady who had fostered him had pics of them when they were puppies,” Gemmiti, of Leander, Texas, told ABC News. “She sent me a group photo of all of them. I was going through the photos in my phone and saw them and wondered what those puppies look like now and if they’d remember each other if they saw each other.”

Adopted dog, Frito, to be reunited with all his biological siblings on Feb. 18, 2017.
Courtesy of Sandy Amen

In order to track down Frito’s long-lost family, she posted this Facebook photo of him in a dapper outfit with a handwritten sign of clues.

"Hi, my name is Frito. I was adopted from Texas Humane Heroes on Oct. 24, 2015,” the sign reads. “I'm looking for my siblings whose names were: Domino, Snow, Raven, Cali, Buddy and Aspen. Please share my post so I can reunite with them for a puppy [playdate] at Texas Humane Heroes! #AdoptDontShop."

Adopted dog, Frito, to be reunited with all his biological siblings on Feb. 18,, 2017.
Courtesy of Corie Gemmiti

In less than two days, Gemmiti and Texas Humane Heroes were able to locate four of Frito’s six brothers and sisters.

“We do have records that helped us track them down,” Christine Rankin, a spokesperson for the shelter, said. “They responded right away and they were so excited. We’ve all been curious if they’ll still look alike.”

The big, happy, furry family are planning a paw-dorable puppy playdate in the adoption center’s yard, the “princess court.”

“We’re trying to get some lunch and goody bags for everyone,” said Rankin. “It’s going to be a lot of fun. We’re very excited.”

Adopted dog, Frito, to be reunited with all his biological siblings on Feb. 18, 2017.
Courtesy of SANDY AMEN.

Gemmiti said Frito “has a funny little personality” and she can’t wait to see if his siblings are similar.

“His ears will get stuck back when he’s running around or excited and I’m curious if the other ones do that,” she explained.

Frito’s name was originally Sherman, but Gemmiti said she named him Frito because “puppy paws smell like Fritos.”