Going S'mores Crazy With New S'mores Oreos and S'mores Frappuccino

How these two new s'mores products stack up to the real thing.

ByABC News
May 18, 2015, 11:27 AM
Do S'mores Oreos, left and Starbucks' S'mores Frappucino, right, actually taste like s'mores?
Do S'mores Oreos, left and Starbucks' S'mores Frappucino, right, actually taste like s'mores?
Stefanie Tuder/ABC

— -- Other than the warming weather, another big indication that summer is coming than the proliferation of s’mores-flavored treats hitting the market. Starbucks debuted a S’mores Frappuccino flavor a few weeks back, and today, the much-rumored S’mores Oreos were announced.

So how do these campfire flavored-treats stack up to the real thing? We tasted both to find out.

S’mores Oreos

S'mores Oreos.

Thought it may not be the official name, it’s way more fun to call these cookies “S’moreos.” With a graham-flavored outside and crème and chocolate center, the core tastes of a traditional s’more are *almost* all there.

“Smooth, creamy and not too sweet,” one taster said of her initial thoughts.

“It gives you all of the awesome classic s’more flavor without the sticky mess,” another marveled, followed by her wondering how the cookies would “fare in the toaster oven.”

Which leads to the most lacking part of the s’moreos: none of that burnt, campfire flavor.

“It was missing the campfire, the smoky toasted marshmallow taste,” one complained.

Another agreed, “You miss that burnt part and the warmth.”

One taster only saw it as an upside, though: “Though you can’t really compete with the gooey chocolate and burnt marshmallows between graham crackers you make over a bonfire in your back yard, this is probably as close as we’ll get in the city.”

All in all, people liked the cookies -- which hit shelves for a limited time on May 22 -- as standalones, but when compared to an actual s’more, they didn’t quite stand up to the original.

S’mores Frappuccino

The Starbucks S'mores Frappucino.

Unfortunately there was even less s’more flavor in the frap.

“It doesn’t taste like a s’more because the coffee Is overpowering anything that could be identified as a s’more,” one taster complained, but quickly followed it up by saying, “But it’s really good.”

That was the overwhelming consensus: that the drink tasted just like a regular Frappuccino.

“It tastes more like a mocha with whipped cream to me. I definitely get the coffee flavor, but I don’t really taste the other elements, such as the toasted marshmallow or the graham cracker.”

That being said, everyone enjoyed the drink.

“I want this to be my staple caffeine drink every day of my life. Please tell me the calorie count is low!”

Sorry, but the drink clocks in at 500 calories for a grande (compared to around 140 for one real s’more).

Today’s takeaway? Though the S’mores Frappuccino and S’mores Oreos were enjoyed by all, when you want a s’more -- make a real one.