Woman Gets Trendy Tattoo to 'Caution' People She's Deaf in One Ear
Elisa Menzel got inked after being frustrated in social interactions.

— -- One woman in Berlin got a miniature tattoo behind her left ear to let people know she's deaf in that ear.
A photo of Elisa Menzel's cute ink, with her caption explaining why, has now gone viral with more than 2.7 million views on Imgur.
Menzel, 24, who said she's been deaf since she was young, told ABC News she was inspired to get the tattoo of a small speaker with an "X" beside it after years of being frustrated by strangers.
"When I spoke to people and didn't understand what they said, they [would] sarcastically ask whether I was deaf. Every time I said 'Yes I am!' and [I] looked into confused faces," she explained. "I became tired of those questions and thought about a way to caution them. So I got the tattoo and it worked."
Menzel said the tattoo cost €50, or about $55 U.S. dollars, but it's already proven worth more than that.
"Strangers ask me if the tattoo means what they think it does," she said, before adding that even her boyfriend forgets which ear is deaf and "he looks behind them."