IdealBite's Most Popular Tips for Green Living

The greatest green living tips from

ByABC News
January 20, 2009, 1:37 PM

Jan. 20, 2009— -- What were the biggest Bites of October-December?

The Bite

Over the last three months, we've tipped topics from methane power to mineral makeup. Some of the topics made you feel like climbing the walls, and others made you feel like tearing them down. Here goes:

The Big Ones

The Tip That Got Around: opting out of phone book delivery. You Biters read and forwarded this one more than any other. We don't blame you -- those things are heavy, and with Internet listings for everything, who needs 'em? Runner-up: , which produce you should buy organic.

The Link That Got the Most Love: KEEN recycled rice paper wallet. Besides the obvious phone book link, a place to stash your green that won't eat up all your green (read: it's inexpensive) was our most-clicked link. Runner-up: recycled glass tiles from Terra Green. Who knew countertops were so hot?

The Topic That Caused a Ruckus: eco-friendly bath towels. Yep, towels, of all things, created a stir -- more than a few of you wish we'd talked about the chem-heavy process for turning bamboo into fabric, and what to do with old towels when you're done with 'em (here's a hint). Runner-up: methane energy - especially the idea of hooking up cows to, um, methane-capturing backpacks.

Personally Speaking

If all 537,000 Biters choose an organic cotton towel instead of a nonorganic one, we'll avert the weight of 291 porcelain claw-foot tubs in synthetic fertilizers and pesticides.

Ideal Bite offers bite-size ways to live a greener life. Click here to subscribe to its daily e-mail. Learn a new tip every day, delivered straight to your inbox. IdealBite and ABC News are divisions of the Walt Disney Co.