10 times Trump has called for Hillary Clinton and Democrats to be investigated
Trump has called for investigations into Clinton, the Democrats and the DNC.
— -- The idea that President Donald Trump may call for an investigation into Hillary Clinton is not a new one, as he stated it repeatedly during the campaign.
The fact that Trump has started bringing it back up recently is a bit of an about-face, however, because he said shortly after the election that he wasn’t interested in “hurting” the Clintons.
Here’s a rundown of some of the times –- both before and after the election –- that Trump has called for either Hillary Clinton, the Democrats, or her ties to the Democratic National Committee to be investigated.
1. At a campaign speech in Ohio on Aug. 22, 2016
At an Akron campaign rally, Trump focused in on the Clinton Foundation, which was closely tied to his then-rival and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, and called for it to be investigated.
“The amounts involved, the favors done and the significant number of times it was done require an expedited investigation by a special prosecutor immediately, immediately, immediately,” Trump said.
“After the FBI and Department of Justice whitewashed Hillary Clinton's e-mail crimes, they certainly cannot be trusted to quickly or impartially investigate Hillary Clinton's new crimes which happen all the time. Some former prosecutors have even suggested that the coordination between the pay-for-play State Department and the corrupt Clinton Foundation constitute a clear example of RICO, [a] racketeering-influenced, corrupt organization, enterprise. The Justice Department is required to appoint an independent special prosecutor because it has proven itself to be really, sadly, a political arm of the White House.”
2. The second presidential debate on Oct. 10, 2016

While it wasn’t the first time Trump suggested there should be an investigation into Hillary Clinton, this time was particularly jarring because he said it directly to her face.
“If I win, I am going to instruct my attorney general to get a special prosecutor to look into your situation because there has never been so many lies, so much deception. There has never been anything like it, and we’re going to have a special prosecutor,” Trump told Clinton while both were on stage in St. Louis.
“We’re going to get a special prosecutor, and we’re going to look into it, because you know what? People have been — their lives have been destroyed for doing one-fifth of what you’ve done. And it’s a disgrace. And honestly, you ought to be ashamed of yourself,” he said to Clinton.
3. At a campaign event in Florida on Oct. 11, 2016
The day after the St. Louis debate, Trump honed in on that same talking point, focusing on the FBI's investigation at the time into her emails and server usage while she was secretary of state.
"We have to investigate Hillary Clinton and we have to investigate the investigation. This was a disgrace. This was a disgrace. Hillary bleached and deleted 33,000 e-mails after congressional subpoenas. Can you imagine that?” he said. “They got a subpoena from the United States Congress and then they deleted everything. If you did that in private life, you go to jail. And then destroyed her phones, some with a hammer, boom. Anybody destroy your phones before with a hammer, anybody? No? Anybody? No? And people have gone to jail for doing far less.”
Turning Point: Trump changes his mind in an interview on Nov. 22, 2016
During an interview with The New York Times two weeks after winning the election, Trump was asked if he still planned to prosecute Clinton as he had said during the campaign.
"Look, I want to move forward, I don’t want to move back. And I don’t want to hurt the Clintons. I really don’t. She went through a lot. And suffered greatly in many different ways. And I am not looking to hurt them at all. The campaign was vicious. They say it was the most vicious primary and the most vicious campaign. I guess, added together, it was definitely the most vicious,” he said in the interview with Times reporters and editors.
"I’m not looking to hurt them. I think they’ve been through a lot. They’ve gone through a lot," Trump said.
"I think we have to get the focus of the country into looking forward,” he added.
4. In a tweet on May 7, 2017
Trump kept his promise of not calling for an investigation relating to the Clintons for several months. But in May, he started edging back towards the topic by speculating about an investigation connected to the Democratic National Committee, which was connected to the Clinton campaign during the election.
“When will the Fake Media ask about the Dems dealings with Russia & why the DNC wouldn't allow the FBI to check their server or investigate?” Trump wrote on Twitter.
5. In a press conference on Aug. 10, 2017

At a press conference where the investigation by Special Counsel Robert Mueller into Russian interference was talked about at length, Trump turned an answer about the Russia investigation around on the Democrats.
“Why isn't the FBI looking at the DNC server? You have a server that they refuse -- the Democrats refuse to give to the FBI. Now, I don't know how the FBI can investigate something if the DNC, the Democrats, refuse to give the server,” he said.
6. In a tweet on Oct. 29, 2017
Trump has repeatedly denied that any collusion took place on the Republican side during the 2016 election, and during one of those rebukes, he redirected attention to Clinton and the Democrats.
“Never seen such Republican ANGER & UNITY as I have concerning the lack of investigation on Clinton made Fake Dossier (now $12,000,000?), "collusion," which doesn't exist. The Dems are using this terrible (and bad for our country) Witch Hunt for evil politics, but the R's are now fighting back like never before. There is so much GUILT by Democrats/Clinton, and now the facts are pouring out. DO SOMETHING!” Trump wrote in a series of four tweets.
7. In a tweet on Oct. 30, 2017
Just hours after his former campaign chairman Paul Manafort turned himself in after being indicted on charges including conspiracy against the United States, money laundering and working as an unregistered foreign agent, Trump dismissed it as old news. Manafort has since entered a not guilty plea.
“Sorry, but this is years ago, before Paul Manafort was part of the Trump campaign. But why aren't Crooked Hillary & the Dems the focus?????” Trump wrote on Twitter.
8. In a tweet on Oct. 31, 2017
He took a similar tact the next day in more tweets while slamming his campaign’s foreign policy advisor, George Papadopoulos, who pleaded guilty to making false statements to the FBI.
"The Fake News is working overtime. As Paul Manaforts lawyer said, there was "no collusion" and events mentioned took place long before he came to the campaign. Few people knew the young, low level volunteer named George, who has already proven to be a liar. Check the DEMS!” Trump wrote in two tweets.
9. In a tweet on Nov. 3, 2017
Trump started tweeting again about revelations from former interim Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Donna Brazile’s book about the Democratic primary.
"Everybody is asking why the Justice Department (and FBI) isn't looking into all of the dishonesty going on with Crooked Hillary & the Dems… New Donna B book says she paid for and stole the Dem Primary. What about the deleted E-mails, Uranium, Podesta, the Server, plus, plus People are angry. At some point the Justice Department, and the FBI, must do what is right and proper. The American public deserves it!" Trump wrote in three tweets.
About an hour after those first tweets, Trump referred to an interview that Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., gave where she said that the book suggests that the Democratic primary was rigged, Trump used his offensive nickname for the senator to call the FBI and DOJ to take action.
“Pocahontas just stated that the Democrats, lead by the legendary Crooked Hillary Clinton, rigged the Primaries! Lets go FBI & Justice Dept,” Trump wrote on Twitter.
10. To reporters on Nov. 3, 2017

Later that same day, Trump spoke briefly to reporters before flying out to the trip to Hawaii ahead of the Asia trip.
Asked by ABC News’ Chief White House Correspondent Jon Karl about whether he would fire Jeff Sessions if the Justice Department didn't take action to investigate Clinton and the Democrats, the president was noncommittal.
"I'm really not involved with the Justice Department. I'd like to let it run itself, but honestly, they should be looking at the Democrats. They should be looking at Podesta and all of that dishonesty. They should be looking at a lot of things. And a lot of people are disappointed in the Justice Department including me,” Trump said.
"You want to look at Hillary Clinton and you want to look at the new book that was just put out by Donna Brazile where she basically bought the DNC and she stole the election from Bernie [Sanders] so that's what you want to look at," Trump said.