How The 2016 Presidential Candidates Are Spending Thanksgiving
Several are flocking to Florida for the holiday.

— -- This Thanksgiving, candidates are taking a break from the grind of the 2016 campaign trail to relax at home with their families - even if it's only for a day.
Marco Rubio, Hillary Clinton, and Ben Carson will be with their families in Miami, Florida, Chappaqua, New York and Baltimore, Maryland, respectively. Rubio told voters at a campaign event he will be frying the turkey.
Jeb Bush, like Rubio, will also be in Miami. But, this holiday will not be spent with the famous Bush clan. Instead, he will be with his immediate family, which he tells CNN's "New Day" includes his "four unbelievably near perfect grand-children."
Donald Trump is the third presidential candidate spending the holiday in Florida - but his location of choice is Mar-a-Lago, in Palm Beach, not Miami.
Ted Cruz, who is celebrating the holiday in Texas, is planning on playing Cuban dominoes. Some movies are definitely in the cards as well, with the Hunger Games at the top of the list.
And, of course, the menu features prominently into the day. Ted Cruz is excited for his father's flan. Bush insinuated he may break from his Paleo diet to eat his favorite Chipotle stuffing. Bernie Sanders' family menu includes Ben and Jerry's vanilla ice cream, a fitting dessert choice for the Vermont location. Carly Fiorina will be making her special cranberry sauce, with red pepper flakes, single malt whiskey, raisins, mustard, oranges, onion, and fresh cranberries.
And while the campaign trail is draining, some may need a bit more recuperation than others, mainly Mike Huckabee, who just underwent knee surgery. Huckabee will recuperate in Little Rock, Arkansas this holiday, spending the time with his grandchildren.
Noticeably not on the table this Thanksgiving are stops in Iowa or New Hampshire. But, the reprieve is short-lived; many candidates, including Trump, Carson and Clinton, pick right back up again this weekend, venturing out to campaign hard before voting officially begins in February.