Chuck Grassley: Were the Secret Service prostitutes Russian spies?

ByABC News
April 24, 2012, 2:56 PM

— -- Chuck Grassley, the Republican senator from Iowa, isn't ruling anything out in the Secret Service prostitution scandal--even the chance that the working girls in Columbia could be Russian spies.

"We're looking at something that is very, very serious when national security might not be protected properly," Grassley said during an interview with Radio Iowa on Tuesday, according to The Hill newspaper. " Who knows who might be using prostitutes? The Russians are famous for that to get information out of us. You want to know that the president is protected."

During President Barack Obama's recent trip to Columbia, Secret Service agents allegedly brought as many as 21 prostitutes into hotels where they were staying during the trip.

The Secret Service has fired six agents in the aftermath of the scandal.

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