Liberal super PACs hit Romney on same-sex marriage views with ‘Mitt Gets Worse' campaign

ByABC News
July 18, 2012, 2:04 PM

— -- Two Democratic super PACs are criticizing Mitt Romney for his views on issues concerning gay and lesbian Americans by launching a new website called "Mitt Gets Worse" that includes anti-Romney video testimonials.

Modeled after the viral " It Gets Better" online campaign in which users made personal videos meant to encourage gay and lesbian young people, American Bridge 21st Century and Courage Campaign Super PAC are urging followers to send in videos "to tell their own story about Mitt Romney and why he has made (or would make) things worse for them."

The website suggests that Romney would roll back gay rights initiatives enacted under the Obama Administration if elected.

"The Mitt Gets Worse campaign is an oral history of Mitt Romney's efforts to diminish the rights and the freedoms of LGBT Americans, told by supporters, activists, and LGBT advocates that have personally been impacted by Mitt's anti-equality agenda," the website reads. "Over the next few weeks, the campaign will be releasing first person accounts of LGBT activists and organizers who have played key roles in this fight."

The site launched Wednesday with four videos from gay and lesbian activists, including Julie Goodridge, the woman whose lawsuit resulted in legal same-sex marriage in Massachusetts and Kathleen Henry, the chair of Romney's Commission on Gay and Lesbian Youth. (Romney eliminated the program in 2006.)

Romney has said that while he supports certain protections for gay and lesbian couples under the law, he opposes state recognition of same-sex marriage.

"I do not favor marriage between people of the same gender, and I do not favor civil unions if they are identical to marriage other than by name," Romney said in May. "My view is the domestic-partnership benefits, hospital visitation rights, and the like are appropriate but that the others are not."

During the Republican primary season, Romney signed a National Organization for Marriage pledge to oppose gay marriage.