Mitt Romney raises $101 million in July

ByABC News
August 6, 2012, 6:54 AM

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Mitt Romney raised $101.3 million for his campaign and the Republican National Committee in July, ending the month with nearly $186 million in the bank.

That marks the second month in a row Romney's fundraising total has surpassed the $100 million mark. In June, the presumptive Republican nominee brought in just over $106 million—surpassing President Barack Obama's monthly fundraising total by roughly $35 million.

The Obama campaign has not yet released its July number, which isn't due at the Federal Election Commission until later this month.

While Romney's cash intake was slightly down from June, the GOP candidate raised nearly $26 million from donors who gave $250 or less, a slight uptick from last month. That's a major improvement for a candidate who has struggled to woo small donors throughout his campaign.

"Once again we see that for many people, this is more than a campaign, it is a cause," Romney finance chairman Spencer Zwick and RNC chairman Reince Priebus said in a joint statement issued by the campaign.

Romney's proceeds went to his campaign and the Romney Victory Fund—a joint fundraising committee set up between his campaign, the Republican National Committee and five state Republican parties.