Obama using health care law to court Latinos
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Bucking conventional wisdom that Obamacare is a political liability in November, President Barack Obama's re-election campaign on Tuesday unveiled three new ads targeting Latino voters and putting the controversial health care law front and center. The 30-second spots will run in Colorado, Florida and Nevada.
"For our president, health care reform is a reflection that we are all one united family," Obama campaign volunteer Daniella Urbina says in the Colorado spot.
"For working families, health care reform means peace of mind," Obama campaign volunteer Ernesto Apreza says in the Nevada spot.
In a press release announcing the ads, the Obama campaign boasted that the health care law would make affordable health care available by 2014 to up to 9 million Latinos who previously lacked it and will allow 736,000 Latinos to stay on their parents' health insurance plans.
Public opinion polls show that the law deeply divides Americans, and presumptive Republican nominee Mitt Romney has vowed to "kill" the law from his first day in office. The Supreme Court could weigh in next month with a decision on whether the requirement that Americans have insurance or pay a penalty is constitutional.
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