The Cost of War: Iraq by the Numbers

More than 4,000 Americans have died in a war that has cost $700 billion.

ByABC News
October 21, 2011, 1:48 PM

October 21, 2011 -- intro: It has been nine years since former President George W. Bush announced that the United States was going to war in Iraq. Today President Obama declared that that war was coming to an end.

"The rest of our troops in Iraq will come home by the end of the year," Obama said. "After nine years, America's war in Iraq will be over."

Here's a by-the-numbers look at both the monetary and human costs of the war in Iraq.

ABC News' Luis Martinez, Jake Tapper, Kirit Radia and Huma Khan contributed to this report.

quicklist: 1category: Casualtiestitle: 4,482 url: text:
To date, 4,482 Americans have been killed in Iraq. Virginia National Guard Staff Sgt. James R. Leep Jr., 44, was the most recent casulaty, dying of noncombat related injuries Monday.

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quicklist: 2category: Woundedtitle: 32,213url: text:
There have been 32,213 U.S. troops wounded in the Iraq War, a war that, according to a January 2011 Gallup poll, 66 percent of Americans oppose.

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quicklist: 3category: Troops Currently in Iraqtitle: 39,000url:text:

As of last week there were 39,000 troops currently deployed to Iraq. The president annouced today that every one of those men and women would be "home for the holidays."

In August 2010, nearly three-fourths of Americans supported the removal of combat troops from Iraq, according to an ABC News poll.

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quicklist: 4category: Price Tagtitle: $704.6 billionurl: text:

From the beginning of operations through July 31, 2011, the Department of Defense has allocated $704.6 billion for Operation Iraqi Freedom/Operation New Dawn. That comes out to about $3.8 billion per month.

Comparatively, the decade-long War in Vietnam cost $738 billion in current 2011 dollars, according to the Congressional Research Service.

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quicklist: 5category: Post-War Personel title: 9,500url: text:

About 5,000 security contractors and 4,500 so-called general life support contrators will operate in Iraq after U.S. combat troops return home. General life support contrators will provide food and medical services as well as operate the aviation assets.

There are currently about 9,500 security contractors in Iraq and several thousand general life contractors. At its peak in June 2009, the Department of Defense had 15,200 security contractors in Iraq.

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