Democrats Quizzed About Trump's 'Disturbing' Candidacy in DNC's Annual Survey
Interim Chairwoman Donna Brazile slams the GOP candidate.
— -- The Democratic National Committee isn't mincing words about Donald Trump in the 2016 Democratic Party survey it recently mailed to some of the party's registered voters.
And DNC interim Chairwoman Donna Brazile doesn't hold back in a letter accompanying the survey, writing that she is "shocked" by the Republican presidential candidate's "outrageous claims."
The survey is broken down into two sections, "the Republican agenda" and "priorities of the Democratic Party." The former section includes four questions, and the latter consists of five.
The "Republican agenda" section asks, "Which aspect of Donald Trump's candidacy do you find most disturbing?" Respondents are asked to choose one answer from 10 provided, two of which are "His dangerous and hateful campaign rhetoric" and "His erratic temperament and judgment."

The next question asks, "Aside from Donald Trump becoming president, what election outcome do you believe would be most dangerous for our nation?"

Brazile's letter, in which she solicits contributions for the DNC, compliments the survey's disdain for Trump.
"Did you see last week's presidential debate?" Brazile writes. "I tell you, after a lifetime in politics, I feel like I've seen it all. But when I heard Donald Trump talking about 'making America great again' and then saw Republican senators, representatives and party officials go along with his distortions, half-truths and outrageous claims, I was in shock."
Other questions in the survey focus on the DNC and its platform.