Hillary Clinton Chomps on Pork Chops as Donald Trump Helicopter Circles Above
The two candidates were at the fair on the same day, but never crossed paths.
DES MOINES, Iowa -- Donald Trump may be a man who needs no introduction, but he certainly likes to make an entrance.
The billionaire businessman and Republican presidential candidate arrived today at the Des Moines fairgrounds for the Iowa State Fair by helicopter. And, in keeping with the spirit of the fair, he offered up his high-class means of transport as a ride for children fairgoers.
Campaign watchers may have hoped for a meeting between Trump, the current Republican frontrunner according to polls, and Hillary Clinton, the current leader on the Democratic side, as both visited the fairgrounds, but it was not to be.
When fairgoers and candidates alike looked to the sky as the helicopter labeled "Trump" buzzed overhead making its descent, at least one person didn't seem to take notice: Hillary Clinton. As fairgoers following Clinton pointed to the sky yelling "Trump! Trump!" -- Clinton either didn't see it, or purposely ignored it.
Instead, she was seen ordering a pork chop and a large lemonade. She did not respond to questions from reporters asking whether she had any reaction to his helicopter.
The closest the two candidates came to one another was Trump’s helicopter flying above where Clinton set foot.

Like Clinton, Trump chose not to speak at the Des Moines Register soapbox -– opting instead to hold a media availability. Trump, in his "Make America Great Again" red hat, offered a few kids a ride on his luxury helicopter.
Asked during his media availability what he would say to Clinton were he to cross paths with her at the fair, Trump kept his answer simple: "I'd say hello."
"Well, leave it to Trump to overshadow Clinton," one fairgoer remarked.

As for Trump's day at the fair, after his helicopter hosted several groups of children for high-flying rides, Trump hopped into a golf cart and whizzed away to the fair.
Large crowds swarmed Trump as he stopped to greet supporters, and like Clinton, he chowed down on a fair pork chop, too.
At least one Iowa State Fair fixture didn't seem too pleased with all the attention given Trump and the other presidential hopefuls: the fair's official butter cow, which tweeted, "I cannot be trumped. All these people are definitely here to see me!"