Biden says countries that interfere in American elections will 'pay a price'
Biden responded to reports that Russia and Iran obtained voter information as a part of an election disinformation campaign by saying that any country that interferes in American elections will "pay a price."
" They will pay a price. And it's been overwhelmingly clear, this election -- I won't even get into the last one -- this election, that Russia's been involved. China's been involved to some degree," he said.
"Now we learn that -- that Iran is involved. They will pay a price if I'm elected. They're interfering with American sovereignty," Biden added.
In a disturbing allegation, the FBI director and director of national intelligence announced Wednesday night that Russia and Iran have conducted counterintelligence operations secretly to obtain voter registration information about Americans, allowing them to directly reach out to voters in Florida and Alaska.
The director of national intelligence portrayed Trump as the victim of the attack, and did not mention Democratic voters that were targeted.
Biden went on to accuse Trump of being a "Russian pawn" and not speaking out for the country's actions.
"I don't understand why this president is unwilling to take on Putin when he's actually paying bounties to kill American soldiers in Afghanistan, when he's engaged in activities that are trying to destabilize all of NATO. I don't know why he doesn't do it, but it's worth asking the question," he said.