Government shutdown updates: Biden signs stopgap funding measure

The president signed the 45-day bill on Saturday night.

Last Updated: September 30, 2023, 11:26 PM EDT

The U.S. seemed to be barreling toward what would have been one of the largest government shutdowns in history -- until a stopgap 45-day funding bill was hastily passed by Congress and signed by President Joe Biden on Saturday night, not long before the deadline.

Had lawmakers failed to reach an agreement, 3.5 million federal workers would have been expected to go without a paycheck, millions of women and children would have lost nutrition assistance, national parks would likely have closed and more.

The temporary legislation, which lasts until mid-November, affords more time for the House Republican majority and the Senate's Democratic majority to work out longer-term bills.

Latest headlines:

Here's how the news developed. All times Eastern.
Sep 30, 2023, 11:24 PM EDT

Biden signs stopgap funding measure, averting government shutdown

President Joe Biden signed the 45-day stopgap funding measure late Saturday night, averting a government shutdown that was set for midnight, according to the White House.In a post on X, Biden posted a picture of himself signing the stopgap measure to keep the government funded until Nov. 17, and urged Congress "to get to work right away" to pass a budget.

"I just signed a law to keep the government open for 47 days. There’s plenty of time to pass Government funding bills for the next fiscal year, and I strongly urge Congress to get to work right away. The American people expect their government to work. Let’s make sure it does,” he wrote.

-ABC News’ Fritz Farrow

Sep 30, 2023, 10:48 PM EDT

Defense Secretary Austin urges Congress to commit to Ukraine aid

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said in a statement Saturday that he welcomed congressional measures taken to avert "an unnecessary and destructive government shutdown that would have had a profound impact on the lives our troops and civilians who work and sacrifice to defend this country every day."

Austin urged Congress to commit to providing aid for Ukraine.

"America must live up to its word and continue to lead," Austin said.

Austin also wanted a restoration of regular order on appropriations.

"We need on-time appropriations in order to advance our National Defense strategy and position our military to meet the complex challenges of this century. I will continue to work with members of Congress to do what is necessary to defend this nation, our values and our interests," he said.

-ABC News' Luis Martinez

Sep 30, 2023, 9:38 PM EDT

Senate leaders, appropriators issue rare joint statement confirming Ukrainian support

In a rare bipartisan statement from top Senate leaders and appropriators following the passage of Saturday’s stopgap funding measure, Senators are affirming their commitment to Ukraine.

The Senators say while they welcome Saturday’s bipartisan measure, it "leaves a number of urgent priorities outstanding."

"In the coming weeks, we expect the Senate will work to ensure the U.S. government continues to provide critical and sustained security and economic support for Ukraine," the statement reads.

The statement comes after Congress stripped $6 billion in Ukraine funding from their bill.

-ABC News Allison Pecorin

Sep 30, 2023, 9:34 PM EDT

Biden says resolution is 'good news'

President Joe Biden said in a written statement on Saturday that the continuing resolution is "good news for the American people," saying that House Republicans "failed."

The president noted that "we should never have been in this position in the first place."

Biden said that though the bill does not include financial assistance for Ukraine, he expects Speaker Kevin McCarthy "will keep his commitment to the people of Ukraine and secure passage of the support needed to help Ukraine at this critical moment."

-ABC News' Fritz Farrow

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