Closing thoughts: DeSantis had a strong performance, Christie's focus wasn't on Trump
Coming into this debate, these five Republican candidates had different missions -- some wanted to just stay alive, while others wanted to break through and maybe, just maybe, close the gap with Trump.
For DeSantis, it was about the latter goal. And on the whole, he seemed very on his game in his home state debate. He took the occasional dig at Trump, like saying he'd actually get Mexico to pay for the wall, which Trump said he'd do but failed to accomplish as president. Throughout the debate, DeSantis often pivoted to immigration and financial concerns in his answers, which was wise as polls show those are principal concerns for Republicans.

On the other end of the spectrum, Christie was looking to remain relevant in this campaign. And while he's made his name as the most anti-Trump candidate in the GOP primary, he mostly avoided talking about Trump in Miami.
Now, the major focus on foreign policy and immigration as topics may have helped Christie by keeping away from topics that would lead him to go after the former president. Could this buoy Christie's numbers just a little? Hard to say, given that he's got terrible favorability numbers among Republicans, who are generally pro-Trump in their views. But it was a change for Christie from what we've seen in previous debates.
-Analysis by Geoffrey Skelley of 538