Marco Rubio Shined in GOP Debate, ABC News Contributors Say

The third GOP debate could mark a pivotal moment.

ByABC News
October 29, 2015, 12:17 AM

— October 28, 2015 -- From squabbles between a former mentor/protégé pair to a surprising lack of focus on the two frontrunners, the third Republican presidential debate could mark a pivotal moment. ABC News political contributors Matt Dowd and LZ Granderson broke down Wednesday’s showdown, offering their take on how it could shake up the race.

Marco Rubio exceeded expectations -- but how much his standings rise in the polls remains to be seen.

MD: the number 1 winner tonight was Marco Rubio. As we talked about before he had the best opportunity win and come out of this thing and he did. He performed really well Every moment that went to him he did very well. He put himself out in front of the establishment lane.
LZ: I agree. Rubio probably won the debate. Which is funny because if you look at all of the content of the debate his moments had nothing to do with the economy.

ABC News contributors Matthew Dowd and LZ Granderson break down Wednesday night's Republican presidential debate.

Strait Talk: What the Candidates' Talking Points Are Leaving Out About the Economy

ABC News contributors Matthew Dowd and LZ Granderson break down Wednesday night's Republican presidential debate.

Losers: Jeb Bush, Ben Carson.

LZ: Loser? Carson. We talked about before the debate how he had so much to lose. HE just didn’t have a grasp on what he was trying to communicate. He just got obliterated. He just looked out of his league. we finally saw someone who was an outsider.
MD: I think the biggest loser was Jeb. this had to be - Jeb is in dire straits. He’s had to cut his campaign, cut his staff. all contributors are all “you have money you aren’t going anywhere.” He had to come into this and have a real sort of breakout debate and he didn’t have it.

ABC News contributors Matthew Dowd and LZ Granderson break down Wednesday night's Republican presidential debate.

Strait Talk: Jeb Bush Takes on Marco Rubio...and Loses

ABC News contributors Matthew Dowd and LZ Granderson break down Wednesday night's Republican presidential debate.

Have Donald Trump and Ben Carson peaked?

LZ: This was his (Trump’s) shtick. “I’m a businessman if anyone can fix the economy it’s me.” He’s all about the economy - he’s supposed to be the person that when he spoke it resonated and made sense to everyone.
MD: Do you think he gets hammered where the panel wasn't ready to fact check him?
LZ: He got hammered tonight after that moment she came back with the source which was his website where he went after Mark Zuckerberg. It was hilarious to see him exposed as the Charlatan that he is. I never thought he was running for president I think if he continues to go down in the polls he’s going to bow out because he doesn’t want to seem like a loser.
MD: In my view, I think Carson and Trump don’t drop much. But this may have been the top that Carson and Trump will ever be at in the course of this thing.

Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio’s spat about the Senator’s voting record is perfect fodder for “Saturday Night Live” - but will they ever reconcile?

LZ: Jeb losing is the one that resonates most in this moment. It’s the second time on a debate stage when he (Bush) challenged one of his competitors. He goes after Rubio, throws a good punch ...
MD: To someone that was his kind of apprentice.
LZ: I mean seriously. He folds his hands, he looks away he wobbles from side to side, he just surrenders that moment to his underling. It was so embarrassing. If I was one of his major donors whatever check I was writing I would stop and tear it up. I did not think going into this campaign once he put his name into a hat that he was this weak on a large scene.

ABC News contributors Matthew Dowd and LZ Granderson break down Wednesday night's Republican presidential debate.

Strait Talk: The Debate Moments Worthy of a Late-Night Show Sketch

ABC News contributors Matthew Dowd and LZ Granderson break down Wednesday night's Republican presidential debate.