Philadelphia 76ers Throw Shade at Presidential Candidate John Kasich After Insult

The GOP presidential candidate and the basketball team exchanged barbs.

ByABC News
October 23, 2015, 3:05 PM

— -- Republican presidential candidate John Kasich threw some shade at the Philadelphia 76ers this morning, and the team didn’t skip a beat firing back on Twitter minutes later.

Speaking today a small town hall in Manchester, New Hampshire, Kasich said he ran into the basketball team at his hotel this morning.

"How did I know who they were?” he said. “They were really tall, okay.”

He told the business-focused crowd about the importance of job skills, then jokingly added that the 76ers haven’t had too many skills of their own lately.

"The reason why some of them make a lot of money is because they have skills,” he said. "Not too many Sixers have had that many skills lately, but they do."

After ABC News tweeted about it, the 76ers shot back on Twitter: "At least we win more than 2% of the time.”

Tweet posted by Philadelphia 76ers Twitter account on Oct. 23, 2015.

Apparently, the 76ers follow the news: Kasich’s not performing too well in polls these days.

The 76ers subsequently deleted their tweet and did not respond to an email from ABC News requesting comment.

Kasich apparently still had basketball on the mind later in the day, when he shot some hoops in an an impromptu game of “Horse” at an athletic club in Milford, New Hampshire, after he held a town hall there.

He sank several shots as he sparred with his spokesman, Chris Schrimpf, as a reporter who played basketball in college rebounded for them.

And then he took to Twitter to throw the ball directly back into the Sixers’ court. He said they were a “great young team” -- and implored them: "don't delete this."

And then he took to Twitter to give a shoutout to the Sixers’ coach.