Reports of Weapons in US Capitol Bathrooms Leave Lawmakers Concerned

Lawmakers are calling for a full briefing of the alleged incidents.

ByABC News
May 1, 2015, 1:06 PM

— -- The leaders of the Committee on House Administration said the a report suggesting loaded firearms may have been left behind in the Capitol complex is “extremely concerning.”

“The fact that dangerous weapons were left in the open, potentially within reach of the general public, is unacceptable,” Chairman Candice Miller, R-Mich., and Ranking Member Robert Brady, D-Pa., said in a statement. “We will be looking for a full briefing on these incidents, how they happened, what corrective action has been taken, and how we hopefully do not have similar instances in the future.”

An aide to House Speaker John Boehner said Boehner is aware of an incident that occurred in his office suite, without confirming specific details. Roll Call reported a loaded Glock handgun was found in a bathroom in the speaker’s office suite March 24.

Screenshot of Roll Call website showing article "Capitol Police Left Guns In Bathroom".

Roll Call also detailed two other alleged incidents of loaded weapons left behind in the Capitol -- the first on Jan. 29 and another on April 16.

The Capitol Police would not confirm the alleged incidents, saying it doesn’t “routinely discuss internal personnel matters.”

“The department takes very seriously all breaches of department rules and has established policies that address such matters. Each disciplinary matter is thoroughly investigated and reviewed, employees are held accountable for their conduct, and they are provided due process in adjudicating these matters,” Capitol Police spokeswoman Kim Schneider said. “Depending on the nature and seriousness of the violation, an employee's record, and other required considerations, an appropriate penalty is applied, up to and including termination of employment. As a matter of policy, the department does not routinely discuss internal personnel matters, in order to maintain the integrity of the department.”