Republican Women Looking Forward to Ivanka Trump's RNC Speech

Donald Trump's eldest daughter will introduce him this evening.

ByABC News
July 21, 2016, 9:03 AM

— -- Donald Trump is undeniably the star of tonight’s final segment of the Republican National Convention but there’s another Trump who is generating interest as well.

Trump’s eldest daughter Ivanka is slated to introduce her father, which comes as little surprise because she has been a fairly regular presence on the campaign trail.

She also has struck a chord with female voters, which has been particularly important given her father’s polling troubles with women at different points in the campaign.

“Ivanka amazes me,” said Kim Bowers, an alternate New York delegate. “I think she is a strong woman who has a phenomenal work ethic and it shows a lot about Donald Trump the father.

“These kids grew up in a privileged atmosphere but they have a strong work ethic and they don't take the life they have for granted,” Bowers told ABC News after seeing Trump’s family -- including Ivanka -- greet him as he arrived by helicopter to Cleveland on Wednesday afternoon.

Even for people who are not extremely aware of Ivanka’s business background, like Virginia delegate Jeanine Lawson, are able to interpret the emphasis that is being placed on her role in her father’s campaign.

“It does say a lot that of all the children, she’s the one” to introduce her father, Lawson told ABC News.

“The feedback on the campaign over the past few months must’ve been pretty receptive to her,” she said, noting that she has a “pretty big responsibility on her shoulders.”

PHOTO: Donald Trump arrives with daughter Ivanka at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio,  July 20, 2016.
Donald Trump arrives with daughter Ivanka at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio, July 20, 2016.
Jim Watson/AFP/Getty Images

Trump has said on the trail that both Ivanka and his wife Melania have urged him to be “more presidential.” Ivanka is known for her polished, articulate and more restrained approach to public appearances yet is understood to be an adviser that her father regularly relies upon for crucial campaign decisions.

“I think she brings that balance with [Donald] Trump and her style is a different style,” said Karen Mottas, an alternate Hawaiian delegate who credits Trump for her interest in the presidential campaign this year.

She went so far as to say that she believes the more staid, refined character that Ivanka emits is actually closer to her father’s true self than his public persona leads the masses to believe.

“I think it’s really his true character. I think he’s purposefully communicating in a way that will reach outside the normal arena,” Mottas said.

Whatever the case may be behind closed doors, it is clear to female Republicans that there is a significance in the selection to have his eldest daughter introduce him on the night when he formally addresses the convention. Bowers first saw the level of trust placed Trump places with his daughter in his reality show "The Apprentice."

“She was always there on the sidelines and he always asked her questions and referred to her…. Granted I don't know if it was scripted or not,” Bowers said.

“She always held her own and she doesn't come along like a snobby little rich girl at all.”

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