4 Takeaways From the GOP Nevada Caucuses

The results may shed light on what to expect in future contests.

ByABC News
February 24, 2016, 12:42 PM

— -- Donald Trump's triumph in Tuesday's Nevada caucuses solidified his status as the front-runner for the Republican party. The results will also likely shed light on how the rest of the election contests will roll out.

Here are the four biggest takeaways from the Nevada caucuses:

Trump did well among several groups according to poll data.

According to entrance polls, Trump won the support of half of Republican voters in Nevada who described themselves as "angry" and 71 percent of caucus-goers who said they were looking for someone outside the political establishment.

Out of the GOP candidates, Trump did best among less-educated voters, winning half of the support from caucus-goers without a college degree.

In his victory speech, Trump boasted about his wide appeal.

"We won with young. We won with old. We won with highly educated," Trump said. "We won with poorly educated. I love the poorly educated."

Trump even won among Hispanic caucus-goers with 46 percent support, according to the entrance polls, versus Marco Rubio (28 percent) and Ted Cruz (18 percent). He said he was "really happy" with being "No. 1" with Hispanics.

Trump's win is a significant milestone.

Trump won about 46 percent of Nevada caucus-goers, far beyond what pundits were expecting for the real estate mogul.

"We weren't expected to win this one," he said in his victory speech. "Soon the country is going to start winning, winning, winning."

Trump's chances of securing the GOP nomination appears more likely after his wins in New Hampshire and South Carolina.

Today, Trump nabbed his first congressional endorsements from Rep. Chris Collins, a moderate Republican from upstate New York, and Rep. Duncan Hunter of California.

House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy told MSNBC earlier this week that he thinks Trump has a more than 50-50 shot of winning the Republican nomination.

Marco Rubio gestures as he speaks at a campaign event during the night of the Nevada Republican caucus night at Lacks Enterprises in Grand Rapids, Mich., Feb. 23, 2016.
Chris Keane/Reuters

Rubio came in second, but he can count Nevada as a win.

Rubio's second-place finish in Nevada could help solidify his position as the strongest alternative to Trump.

Rubio was the go-to choice for those who said they value government experience over being an outsider and for those who said winning the general election is the top priority.

On "Good Morning America" Wednesday, Rubio said he can unite the Republican party.

The caucus process in Nevada has improved since 2012.

Despite initial reports of confusion and chaos at caucus locations, the state of Nevada mostly had its act together Tuesday night and even set a voter turnout record.

More than 75,000 caucus-goers participated compared to the previous record of 44,000 set in 2008.

Nevada has also gotten better at tallying its results, taking hours to assess the data rather than days like in 2012.

ABC News' Michael Falcone contributed to this report.

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