Earnhardt's Widow Pleads for Privacy
L A S V E G A S, March 5 -- The widow of racing great Dale Earnhardtpleaded for public support Sunday in helping the family keep thedriver's autopsy private.
"This is the first time I've spoken in public since we've lostDale," Teresa Earnhardt said, reading from a statement."Honestly, I'm not very comfortable being here. It's too soon. Butthis issue is of vital importance — not just to my family — but toanyone ever faced with being exploited after losing a loved one."
Later in the afternoon, The Orlando Sentinel released astatement reiterating its sympathy to the Earnhardt family, butfurther explaining its request to see the autopsy report for adeeper investigation into how exactly Earnhardt died.
"Newspapers are not always popular," the statement said."Sometimes newspapers have to ask hard questions; this is one ofthose times."
Hearing to Be Held
Earnhardt died instantly of head injuries on Feb. 18 in alast-lap crash at the Daytona 500.
His wife sued Volusia County in Florida on Feb. 22 to stoprelease of its medical examiner's autopsy photos taken after thefatal wreck. The next day, an Orlando Sentinel reporter made apublic records request asking for "any and all photographs" ofEarnhardt.
Judge Joseph Will issued a temporary injunction. He said thephotos have no "bona fide newsworthiness" and could cause thefamily "additional anguish and grief."
A hearing on whether to make the injunction permanent wasoriginally set for last Thursday but was postponed for one weekbecause of a scheduling conflict.
Widow: Stop the Presses
Teresa Earnhardt pleaded at Las Vegas Motor Speedway for anyone"who feels strongly as we do, to let your voices be heard."
She requested that the public contact the speaker of the FloridaHouse of Representatives, the president of the Florida Senate andFlorida Gov. Jeb Bush, asking them to "protect the privacy ofcitizens by preventing publication of autopsy photos."
Mrs. Earnhardt sat alongside a solemn Dale Earnhardt Jr. whilequietly reading her statement. She left without answeringquestions. Her only previous public appearance since her husband'sdeath came on Feb. 22 in Charlotte, N.C., at an invitation-onlymemorial service.