Comcast Customers Get $10 to Make Up for Porn

ByABC News
February 3, 2009, 12:53 PM

— -- What do you do when 30 seconds of pornography infiltrates the Super Bowl? According to Comcast, you give subscribers a $10 credit.

Ten. Dollars. You can buy a sandwich for $10, but can you erase an eyeful of full-frontal male nudity? Won't someone think of the children?

Corporate affairs manager Kelle Maslyn tells the Tucson Citizen that the flesh show was an "isolated, malicious act" and that the cable company will "aggressively pursue" the culprits until justice is served. In the meantime: $10.

"While this credit won't change what happened, we hope that it will demonstrate to our customers, and to the Tucson community, how seriously we are taking this situation," Maslyn says.

Ten dollars, if it could even be called a demonstration of corporate responsibility, is a very weak one. It'd almost be better if Comcast left out the credit and issued a press statement apologizing for the, ahem, intrusion. As of now, Comcast's press room has no such statement or apology.

The big question now is whether or not Comcast will be fined for the pop-out and if the FCC will launch another McCarthy-esque penetration into the matter.