Lockheed Martin: Quick Response Foils Online Information Attack

Company says no customer, program, employee personal data has been compromised.

ByABC News
May 29, 2011, 10:46 AM

May 29, 2011— -- Lockheed Martin's company network information is secure, following a "significant and tenacious" cyber attack that occurred on May 21, officials said.

The hackers' attack was detected immediately and officials took "aggressive actions to protect all systems and data. As a result of the swift and deliberate actions taken to protect the network and increase IT security, our systems remain secure; no customer, program or employee personal data has been compromised," according to the company's news release .

The Maryland-based global security company is contracted by various U.S. government agencies.

Lt. Col. April Cunningham, speaking on behalf of the Defense Department, told The Associated Press that the impact on the Pentagon "is minimal and we don't expect any adverse effect."

Homeland Security spokesman Chris Ortman told the AP that they are investigating the scale of the attack and plan to "provide recommendations to mitigate further risk."