Radio Flyer Rolling Out a Tesla Model S for Kids
Kids can cruise down the sidewalk in their own mini Tesla.

— -- Here's a Tesla you may be able to afford. The bad news: It's kid-sized.
Radio Flyer, the company behind the classic red wagon, has created a miniature version of the Tesla Model S that will be available beginning this May.
Starting at $499, the miniature Model S has the same sleek design as its larger counterpart and can be customized with various paint colors and premium silver turbine wheels.
Keeping with the spirit of Tesla, the miniature Model S is powered by a lithium ion battery. A premium battery can be purchased for an additional $50 to get 50 percent more play time than the standard battery, according to details posted on Radio Flyer's website.
But Unlike Tesla's high-speed "ludicrous mode," which takes drivers from 0-60 mph in 2.8 seconds, the miniature Model S offers a parental control that can limit the car to 3 mph. Without it, kids can cruise down the sidewalk at a top speed of 6 mph.