Talking Your Tech: 2012 resolutions

ByABC News
January 6, 2012, 12:10 PM

— -- The new year is a terrific time to make tech resolutions. We spoke to folks recently in downtown Santa Cruz, Calif., and on Hollywood Boulevard in Los Angeles who told us they plan to spend less time on social networks and at their keyboards and more time in real-life pursuits. Others are resolved to learn more about their cameras and smartphones in order to get the most out of them.

Readers also wrote to us on Facebook or sent in a video message. Here's more of a sampling of what they had to say:

Maximize your smartphone

"I just got an iPhone for Christmas so I'm going to be on my phone a lot more. I have to figure it out first," says Nancy Young of Santa Cruz.

Jim Young, her husband, wants to "utilize" his iPhone to its fullest potential. "Right now I'm only at the tip of the iceberg. So that's my New Year's resolution," he says.

Improve photography skills

"I want to take better photos and get some Photoshop skills. As I head into retirement, that's what I want to do," says Peter Webber, also of Santa Cruz.

More gadget time

"I might cut down on Facebook time, spend a little more on Flickr and Google+. But give up on any of my gadgets? Never," writes Susan Kopchinsky of Tampa, Fla. "Desktop, laptop, iPad, iPod, smartphone, DSLR and all the gear needed to get the shot, upload, process with Photoshop and Lightroom and plug-ins and back up external hard drives. Whew…makes a girl's head spin."

Smell the roses

Tyler Dammann of Santa Cruz says he wants to "stop using my phone so much" and spend less time on the computer. "I should turn it off and go outside," he says.

Be a better communicator

"Phase out Facebook first…use texting MUCH less (too much room for misunderstandings), use e-mail less and call more. Try to get back to the more personable ways of communicating," says Laurie Beach of Lowell, Ark.

Enough tech already

"I don't want to add any more technology," says Amber Gumienny from Ithaca, N.Y. In fact, she'd like to kick the Facebook habit. "It's so annoying, but I can't stop."

"I hope the texting and Facebooking goes no higher than it already is. For me it's just the right amount. I don't want any more of it. It already takes up enough time," says Jeremy Slavic, Denver.

On Monday's Talking Your Tech: Teen sensation Selena Gomez talks about her investment in the Postcard on the Run app.

Upcoming: From the Consumer Electronics Show, we talk to folks attending about what they think of newly announced gadgets and gizmos.

Readers: What questions would you like to see discussed here on Talking Your Tech? Leave your comments here, or write Jefferson Graham at

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