What You Need to Know About the New Tech Laws For 2015
These laws will change the way people and businesses use technology.

— -- When the clock strikes midnight, new laws will go into effect changing the way people and businesses use technology.
While the laws vary from state to state, here's a look at some of the most interesting changes slated to take place in 2015.
Revenge Porn
California has already criminalized revenge porn (the act of someone sharing private intimate photos or videos) but starting January 1, the law will also extend to selfies.
Previous law makes revenge porn a misdemeanor, however the state's AB 2643 will also allow victims to seek damages from a perpetrator.
In Illinois, schools will have to address cyber bullying under certain circumstances, even if the alleged bullies use private computers, smartphones to harass victims, according to HB 4207.
Internet 'Eraser Law' For Minors
Minors will receive more online protection in California under SB 568, which has been nicknamed the "eraser law."
The law requires websites that collect information about minors to notify them that they have the right to request deletion of publicly posted content. It also bans websites from marketing items to minors that they can not legally buy.
Destroying Your Personal Information
Under Delaware's HB 294, businesses must properly destroy any articles containing employees' "personal identifying information." Employees who are harmed by improper disposal of their information can sue for triple damages.
This law could potentially effect people living outside of Delaware since many large companies are incorporated in the state.
Disposal of E-Waste
New York residents will no longer be able to pitch their e-waste (electronic equipment), in normal trash and recycling bins.
Instead, they'll have to take the item to an electronic waste collection site or check with the manufacturer to see if they offer a recycling program.
Kill Switch
All phones manufactured after July 1, 2015, and sold in California must have a kill switch, which allows for remote de-activation, according to SB 962.