New Year's Resolutions: 5 Apps to Help Hit Your Goals
From eating better to drinking less, these apps will help support your goals.

— -- Getting your New Year's resolution to stick ultimately comes down to you, but these apps can provide the extra motivation you need to stay the course.
Here are five apps that can act as a personal coach to make 2015 your best year ever.

Eat Healthier/Exercise
Adopting healthy eating and exercise habits can be daunting, but Fooducate takes a high tech approach to making the wellness journey easy.
Simply scan a product barcode to learn the good, the bad and the ugly about a food before you eat it, along with some healthy alternatives. The app also comes equipped with a tracking feature to keep tabs on your nutrition and exercise.
Fooducate is free and available on iOS and Android.

Drink Less
Keeping tabs on your drinking is made easy with a slew of apps on the market, however the challenge is whether you'll remember to input them after knocking back that third vodka soda.
AlcoDroid for Android helps users make informed decisions about what they're drinking, tracks their libations and can even tally up how much you've spent at the end of a night.
Drink Control for iOS offers an easy to use interface that tracks drinks and spending. The app costs $4.99, which is less than the cost of a pint at most watering holes.

Budget Smarter
Knowing where your money is going each month can be an eye-opening experience, but a necessary one for making better budget decisions.
Enter Mint Bills.
The free app for iOS and Android makes sure all of your bills are paid on time and monitors your bank accounts and credit cards to make sure you always know how much money you have to spend.

Find A New Job
If it's time for a new job, check out the app from Indeed, the popular job search engine.
Indeed's app for iOS and Android is just as super powered as the web search engine, providing access to millions of open jobs and the ability to search by filters such as location and salary.
Think of having the app as a no-excuses approach to ensuring you finally make that big career move in 2015.

Be the Best You
Want to quit smoking? Learn to cook? Give out at least one compliment per day? Check out Lift.
Track your progress, get community support and celebrate your success. Lift is free on iOS and Android and offers additional in-app coaching for $14.99.