'Twilight' locations are vamping it up

ByABC News
November 25, 2008, 9:48 AM

— -- Locales used for filming of the teen-phenom vampire film Twilight, opening today, are thirsting for visitors.

The five-room View Point Inn, which overlooks the Columbia River Gorge near Portland, Ore., and was the setting for the film's big prom scene, is holding a "Twilight" dance tonight. Fans are coming in from all over.

Co-owner Geoff Thompson hopes rabid aficionados of the best-selling novel and the film will donate money via the inn website (theviewpointinn.com) to help keep the 84-year-old lodging and restaurant in business. They also can pay $125 and up to have their names inscribed on bricks in a special Twilight pathway. The roof and chimney need replacement, and the bad economy is hurting the inn.

Other filming sites include Oregon's Multnomah Falls and Indian Beach, and the Cape Horn loop trail on the Washington side of the Columbia River Gorge. It circles the area where hunky vampire Edward (played by Robert Pattinson) and Bella (Kristen Stewart) perch in trees, says Harry Medved of Fandango.com. Fandango is helping Twilight fans visit movie sites via a contest at fandango.com/sweepstakes/twilight.

Meanwhile, the setting for the novel tiny Forks, Wash. also is luring the Twilight faithful.