USA TODAY's best and worst travel memories of 2008

ByABC News
December 18, 2008, 5:48 PM

— -- This year's economic meltdown and the emergence of the staycation didn't keep USA TODAY's travel staff from hitting the road to share their discoveries. Keep reading to find out their best, worst and most surprising experiences of 2008, along with their best bargain finds.

Jerry Shriver: See it by car, by plane (or not) and by scooter

Laura Bly: Zip line thrills, Iran surprises, Jane delights

Kitty Bean Yancey: Conquering mountains and Vegas expenses

Chris Gray: Awe in Caribbean, awesome in Chicago

Jayne Clark: A little local flavor, a lot of sore muscles

TELL US: What are your travel memories of 2008? Share your best and worst experiences below.