Bringing America Back: The promise of herd immunity and more to know

Get the day's top stories in economic recovery and medical preparedness.

May 22, 2020, 5:01 AM

Bringing America Back is an ABC News feature that highlights the day's top stories in economic recovery and medical preparedness amid the coronavirus pandemic. These stories delve into the key steps America is taking -- or needs to take. Stay on top of the latest developments regarding states' social distancing measures, advancements in the treatment of COVID-19 and more.

How herd immunity may protect us from COVID-19

Once enough people become immune to the novel coronavirus, it can't spread as easily throughout the population. But how do we achieve that? A crucial step toward mass immunization is a vaccine. That's because a vaccine can help build a person's immunity without making him or her sick.

Dr. Matthew Budoff shows a COVID-19 antibody test at the Diagnostic and Wellness Center, May 5, 2020, in Torrance, Calif.
Valerie Macon/AFP/Getty Images

Dual struggles with unemployment benefits

Millions of Americans are still waiting to be paid unemployment benefits. "There are people who are out of work for up to two months before they get their unemployment insurance benefits -- that's if they could even get through to the system," a policy analyst told ABC News. Conversely, some business owners are reporting they've had difficulties retaining employees who are receiving enhanced unemployment benefits provided by the CARES Act. The employers worry they'll be at risk of violating the terms of their stimulus loan.

Lockdowns spark acts of resistance despite health warnings

A New Jersey gym that's repeatedly defied the state's stay-at-home order by opening is just one act of civil disobedience during the pandemic. Public health officials warn these violations could delay the economic reopening further. Some Ohio gyms went the legal route to reopen -- and won.

Communities of color hit hardest by coronavirus

In places like New York, Chicago, Washington, D.C., Atlanta and Phoenix, the rates of coronavirus infection and death have been particularly high for minorities, an ABC News review of state and local public health data has found. The same scenario is playing out in nursing homes, too, a new study found.

National parks prepare to enforce social distancing

As popular national parks reopen ahead of Memorial Day weekend, advocates warn it's impossible for limited park staff to enforce social distancing. Park officials, for their part, are confident visitors will space themselves out.

How Delta hopes to reassure passengers

ABC News got a first look at the changes Delta Air Lines has implemented aimed at reassuring travelers flying during the pandemic.'

What to know about the coronavirus:

Tune into ABC at 1 p.m. ET and ABC News Live at 4 p.m. ET every weekday for special coverage of the novel coronavirus with the full ABC News team, including the latest news, context and analysis.

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