Casey Anthony Back in Florida Awaiting Fate of Probation Appeal

Defense attorney Jose Baez tells media outlet Anthony's whereabouts.

ByABC News
August 22, 2011, 8:33 AM

Aug. 22, 2011 — -- Casey Anthony, the Florida woman acquitted of murdering daughter Caylee, is back in her home state of Florida, defense attorney Jose Baez told a media outlet.

In an interview with Fox News, Baez confirmed his 25-year-old client's whereabouts.

"She is back in Florida. We brought her back in the event the appellate court rules sometime this week. And we're going to follow the letter of the law," Baez told Fox News' Geraldo Rivera on Sunday.

Anthony was ordered earlier this month by Judge Belvin Perry to return to Florida to serve a year's probation stemming from a check fraud case. She is scheduled to report by Aug. 26. Her defense team has appealed that decision.

Since her release from the Orange County Jail on July 17, Anthony's only confirmed whereabouts have been in Ohio, where photos and video posted by showed her shopping in an Old Navy store and walking with a frozen drink in her hand.

The dispute over Anthony's probation stems from a check fraud conviction in 2010. Before her first degree murder trial, Anthony pleaded guilty to stealing checks from best friend Amy Huizenga during the time that Caylee was missing.

Judge Stan Strickland, who presided over that case, ordered Anthony to serve 412 days in jail and a year's probation when she was released from jail. An error was made on the written sentencing documents, which allowed Anthony, 25, to serve her probation while in jail awaiting trial.

Anthony's defense lawyers claimed that forcing Anthony to serve probation again is an "illegal sentence" and puts her in harm's way especially if she must serve the probation in Florida.

Anthony was the subject of public vitriol and death threats throughout her trial, and following her release. Perry and Baez have both mentioned the importance of Anthony's safety.

"This court is very mindful that it is a high probability that there are many that would like to see physical harm visited upon the defendant," Perry wrote in his Aug. 12 order for Anthony to return to Florida.