Chase tried to be funny on Twitter. It didn't go well.

Chase's attempt to play on the #MondayMotivation trend quickly backfires.

April 29, 2019, 4:10 PM

Chase bank's attempt at humor ended badly Monday when it was forced to delete a tweet with the MondayMotivation Twitter hashtag.

The tweet seemed to shame a fictional respondent about having too little money due to profligate spending habits. It was deleted but can be seen in a screengrab captured by ABC News:

A screen capture made on April 29, 2019, shows a post to the official Chase Twitter account that was published and deleted in the same day after a negative backlash from other Twitter users.
ABC News

This did not go over well, especially as the tweet came amid escalating national conversations about wage stagnation, economic inequality, student loan debt and more.

The replies ranged from the straight up profanity, to links about JPMorganChase’s bailout amid the 2008 financial collapse, to ironic asides about seizing the means of production.

Chase later apologized, continuing to use the #MondayMotivation theme but vowing to focus on its own improvement.

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