Elderly Woman Dragged From Car by Texas Cop
A Texas officer pulled Lynn Bedford, 77, for refusing to show ID.
Sept. 13, 2012— -- A Texas police department is defending an officer who is seen on a dashcam video pulling a 77-year-old woman out of her car during a traffic stop.
Sgt. Gene Geheb, an officer from the Keene Police Department, pulled Lynn Bedford over Aug. 19 for driving 66 mph in a 50 mph zone. But their stop grew heated when Bedford refused to hand over her driver's license and insurance card, according to police reports and video from the officer's dashcam. The officer was also wearing a microphone and camera.
"The incident has been reviewed thoroughly by the Keene Police Department and the city of Keene administration," a statement from the Keene Police Department said. "All parties have concluded that Sgt. Geheb did not violate any state laws or department policies, and in fact was following department policy in regards to violators not providing information."
"Let's hurry up, I've got to go to the bathroom," Beford can be heard telling Geheb when he approached her SUV. "I have a bladder infection."
Geheb asked repeatedly for her driver's license and insurance.
"I'll give it to you in a minute," Bedford said.
"No you give it to me now or I'm going to take you to jail," the officer said, to which Bedford responded, "Well go ahead."
Geheb then opened the door to Bedford's SUV and began pulling on her arm.
"You want to play this way, come on," he said.
He then asked repeatedly for her to get out of the vehicle, but Bedford refused.
"You are hurting me," she said. "I'm going to report you hurting me. For hurting me and twisting my arm."
Geheb pulled her arm again and Bedford fell to the ground. The officer then arrested her.
Chief Rocky Alberti of the Keene Police Department arrived at the scene and after speacking to Geheb and Bedford, released the woman, ABC affiliate WFAA reported. Bedford received a citation for speeding and another for failing to provide identification.
Bedford's attorney, Clay Graham, believes Geheb went too far in pulling her from her SUV and could have handled the situation differently.
"She is very disappointed to learn that instead of being protected and served, she was basically antagonized and assaulted," Graham told WFAA.
"Get back in his squad car, follow her home; follow her to the nearest comfort room, use the restroom and then issue a citation, or whatever he had discretion to do," Graham added.
Graham told WFAA Bedford was bruised during the altercation and he plans to take the case to the Johnson County District Attorney's Office.