Ex-Cop Michael Slager Remains in Custody in Walter Scott Murder Case for Now

Michael Slager's lawyer is arguing that he should be under house arrest.

ByABC News
September 10, 2015, 5:36 PM

— -- The former policeman accused of murdering an unarmed man as he ran away remains in jail while a judge considers his request to be released on bond.

Former police officer Michael Slager, 33, fatally shot Walter Scott, 50, after a traffic stop in North Charleston, South Carolina, in April. He was arrested and charged with murder on April 7, three days after he shot Scott.

During Slager's bond hearing today, his attorney asked for house arrest. The judge said he took the request under advisement and will rule on the motion later.

Slager faces a possible 30 years to life without parole if convicted. Prosecutor Scarlett Wilson has declined comment on the case outside of the courtroom.

The former North Charleston police officer's attorney, Andy Savage, said his client should be released on bond in alignment with similar cases in South Carolina. A motion filed Tuesday by attorneys for Slager included court documents showing other defendants in Charleston County who have been charged with murder but released on bond. Savage said this was an on-the-job incident, and Slager has no prior incidents, which gives him another advantage towards bond.

This undated photo shows Walter Scott who was shot and killed by a police officer on April 4, 2015 in North Charleston, S.C.

Savage told ABC News Wednesday enhanced video shows a fight between the two men at today's bail hearing. Savage alleges that at one point during the altercation, Scott was in possession of Slager’s Taser. The enhanced video, obtained by ABC News, lasts four seconds and makes it difficult to tell exactly what happened leading up to the shooting.

Michael Slager is seen in a booking photo released by the Charleston County Sheriff's office on April 7, 2015.

The release of cellphone footage shot by an eyewitness had a direct effect on Slager's arrest, police said immediately after. It showed Scott’s running away from the officer when he was shot multiple times.

ABC News' Meghan Keneally and Steve Osunsami contributed to this report.