Great-Great-Grandmother’s New Gig: Steamy Romance Novelist

86-year-old granny shocks family with explicit sex scenes.

ByABC News
August 20, 2014, 2:55 PM
First-time novelist, Georgia Gorringe, 86, self-published her book "No Good-Bye."
First-time novelist, Georgia Gorringe, 86, self-published her book "No Good-Bye."
Courtesy Georgia Gorringe

— -- A great-great-grandmother from Utah discovered a new passion when she penned her first novel – a salacious romance so explicit it shocked her own family, they said.

Georgia Gorringe’s debut book is about a bored housewife who falls for the man on the radio.

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“His voice was as smooth as butter and as sweet as honey. It captivated her,” Gorringe, 86, told ABC News today of the main character in “No Good-Bye,” which she self-published earlier this year.

“And in one line of my book, it says his voice … it made her quiver, almost orgasmic!” she adds, laughing. “And she said, that is a man with a magic voice.”

Pictured is the cover of "No Good-Bye" by Georgie Marie.

Gorringe, who lives in Salt Lake City, won’t reveal too much about the book, but her daughter Bobby Posey told ABC News there were plenty of scenes that made her blush.

“I’m still in awe. I just read it again,” Posey said. “It’s my mother. It’s like, where did you get this?”

Gorringe, who has five children, was also a housewife who was fond of talk radio but insists the book is all fiction.

“If this was true, my husband would probably divorce me,” she said.

With the help of family, Gorringe self-published the book in February under her pen name Georgie Marie. It’s available on Amazon and Kindle.

Georgia Gorringe, 86, recently published her first book, a steamy romance novel.

“My family has been very supportive,” she said. “My grandson, I asked him, do you hate your grandmother after reading this book? He said no, you accomplished a great feat, and at your age.”

“My age always comes into it,” Gorringe added, laughing.

While she’s proud of the buzz her steamy story has generated, she never dreamed of being a writer and had only taken one creative writing class when she was younger. Gorringe, a fan of “Fifty Shades of Grey,” has no plans for a second novel. For now, she’s just enjoying the spotlight.

“One daughter said, mother this should be made into a movie,” Gorringe said. “A lot of my friends and friends of friends are commenting on Facebook and I’ve had a lot of calls, but so far my royalties haven’t shown up.”