The Chilling Scene After Jet Crashes in California Neighborhood

Smoke from the crash could be seen for miles.

ByABC News
June 5, 2014, 12:27 AM

June 5, 2014— -- A Marine jet crashed into a neighborhood in Imperial, California, Wednesday, exploding and setting nearby homes on fire.

The pilot ejected safely and was transported to a local hospital with minor injuries, officials with Marine Corps Air Station Miramar said. No civilian injuries have been reported.

Smoke from the crash could be seen for miles.

The flames smoldered, fueling residents’ fears.

Emergency crews rushed to the crash site.

The flames consumed nearby cars, turning them to twisted metal and ash.

Heavy black smoke billowed from the crash site.

People were transfixed by the scene.

Firefighters used water to subdue the flames.

Firefighters put out a fire caused when a military jet crashed in a residential neighborhood in Imperial, Calif., June 4, 2014.

Fire crews eventually put the fire out, the end to a scary – but miraculously, not fatal – jet crash.

A military jet crashed in a residential neighborhood in Imperial, Calif., June 4, 2014, leaving heavy smoke in the area.