Motorist caught on video reportedly knocking motorcyclist off the road in possible road rage incident
A Florida man was knocked off his motorcycle by a motorist.
Police in Sarasota County, Florida, are searching for a driver who was seen on video swerving into a motorcyclist, throwing him off the road.
The video of the incident shows a grey Mazda 3 and a motorcyclist driving side by side in the two lanes on the road. The motorcyclist is waving his hand at the Mazda and swerves into the lane of the car. The car then swerves into the motorcyclist, hitting the bike and forcing him off the road.
The driver of the Mazda has not been caught, according to a news release from the Sarasota County Sheriff’s Office.
“At 5:00 p.m., deputies were alerted to a possible road rage incident,” the release said of the Sunday incident. “One of the witnesses recorded the hit and run on his cell phone.”
The motorcyclist has been identified as Darin Hendrickson, Sarasota County Sheriff’s Office told ABC News. Hendrickson said the driver of the car kept cutting him off and then threw change at him, police state in the incident report.
Hendrickson told ABC affiliate WFTS-TV that “he was taken to the hospital for a hyperextended knee, possible fractured ribs and severe road rash.”
Hendrickson was wedged between the car and motorcycle before briefly being dragged by the car, according to the video footage.
Hendrickson was admitted to the hospital, the Sarasota County Sheriff’s Office stated, but he was later released.