Police body camera footage shows Ohio officer saving infant using CPR

The three-week-old baby stopped breathing and "went limp."

July 25, 2019, 3:01 PM

A 6-week-old baby who stopped breathing was saved after an Ohio officer successfully performed CPR on the child, dramatic video shows.

The body camera footage captured Officer Evan Estep, of the Sandusky Police Department, pressing on the baby’s chest after his mother said the child "went limp."

"I went to undress him and went to feed him and then he pretty much flat-lined. He went limp," Kayla Monk, his mom, told ABC Toledo affiliate WTVG.

This image made from video captures a police officer performing CPR on a baby.

After nearly 20 chest compressions, the child let out a cry.

"He ended up getting him to gasp twice, they said," Monk told WTVG of the incident last Thursday. "They ended up getting a pulse, but I think originally he thought he wasn’t going to either because he had already coded in a way."

The Sandusky Police Department said the baby had "no pulse" and was "beginning to turn blue."

"Officer Estep performed CPR on the infant and was able to get the infant to start breathing," police said in a statement on Facebook. "OUTSTANDING JOB OFFICER ESTEP," the department added.

The little boy, Teyvin Strauder, was taken to the Firelands Regional Medical Center.

It was not immediately clear why Teyvin stopped breathing, but his mom said he was born early at 34 weeks and diagnosed with haemophilus, a bacteria that most often causes illnesses in babies and young children.

Baby rests after being saved by a police officer who performed CPR.

Monk said he’s currently on a breathing machine and his condition is improving.

"He’s doing much better with his own breathing where they’re gonna try to take [the breathing machine] out," she said.