Resources for Survivors of Sexual Assault
Where survivors of sexual assault can turn to for help.

— -- As a survivor of rape, Niki Genthe recently shared her personal story and her quest for justice with ABC News' "20/20."
Two years ago, Genthe was a college junior at Southern Oregon University when a friend she had been dating confessed to sexually assaulting her. With the help of the "You Have Options" program and the Ashland Police Department, Genthe's attacker was arrested and pleaded guilty to one count of sexual abuse.
While life on campus is not perfect, Genthe says it's much better thanks to "You Have Options." She is now sharing her story in hopes it will raise awareness about the programs in Ashland, Oregon, that allowed her to be able to hold her attacker accountable and begin the healing process.
Below are some resources for survivors of sexual assault and for those who might be interested in getting more information.
Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN):
Help is available 24/7 through RAINN's National Sexual Assault Hotline: 1-800-656-HOPE and The hotlines are free, completely anonymous and always open.
For more information about recovering from sexual assault, visit RAINN's website HERE.
To learn more about how to respond to a survivor of sexual assault, visit RAINN's website HERE.
For more information about how to help prevent sexual assault, visit RAINN's website HERE and HERE.
The "You Have Options" Program:
For more information about the "You Have Options" Program, visit their website HERE.