Soldier Returns from Deployment to Surprise Sons at Elementary School

Sgt. 1st Class Maximiliano Guerra surprised his kids.

ByABC News
June 17, 2016, 6:09 PM

— -- Sgt. 1st Class Maximiliano Guerra just returned from his fourth Army deployment -- but this time, as a father, the homecoming was a little more special.

Guerra surprised his children in front of teachers and classmates at Francis Scott Key Elementary School in Arlington, Va after returning from a 7-month tour of duty in Kuwait. Just in time for Father’s Day, he entered the cafeteria during a music class wearing a bee costume usually worn by a teacher. But when Guerra’s children were called up to find out who was underneath the suit, they were in for quite the shock.

“To see the kids reaction to who I was,” Guerra said, “it’s something you can keep forever.”

At first the kids seemed startled, pausing for a few seconds before jumping into their dad’s arms.

“I wanted to talk with them,” Guerra said. “I wanted to actually get them to get up and do certain things, but I couldn’t give away who I was. I had to stay in character.”

After the embrace, Guerra said noticed his children were heavier, taller and more articulate than before he left.

As for Father’s Day plans?

“It’s not really my day,” Guerra said. “To me, it’s their weekend. I miss so many holidays. It’s missing being around the kids, and I want to do what they want to do and make them happy.”

Sgt. Maximiliano Guerra embraces his two sons after surprising them in front of class at Francis Scott Key Elementary School in Arlington, Va., June 17, 2016.