Gore and Bush Spar Politely in Second Debate

ByABC News
October 11, 2000, 5:34 PM

— -- After a civil start, George W. Bush and Al Gore traded sharp jabs in their second debate. Gore hit Bushs Texas record. Bush said Gore stretches the truth. Follow our expanded coverage.

By Carter M. YangABCNEWS.comOct. 11 Republican candidate George W. Bush and Democrat Al Gore are sparring over foreign policy tonight in their second presidential


Although the race for the White House has taken on an increasingly bitter and personal tone in recent days, the candidates limited their criticisms to each others policies, rather than personal characteristics.

The first half of the debate was largely dominated by a discussion of foreign policy. Bush renewed his criticism that the Clinton-Gore administration has presided over a military in decline and over-deployed the nations armed forces.

Id very much like to get our troops out of there, Bush said, referring to U.S. troops currently involved in peacekeeping operations in the Balkans. Our military is made to fight and win a war.

Bush pledged to rebuild the military and be judicious in his deployment of troops if elected president.

But Gore defended the need for nation building, saying the nation and the world are at a decisive moment in history.

Are we going to step up to the plate? he asked, as he defended the peacekeeping deployments in Kosovo and elsewhere in the world.

Guiding Principles

Tonights forum began without discord as each candidate answered moderator Jim Lehrers question about what their guiding principles would be if elected president Nov. 7.

The first question is whats in the best interest of the United States whats in the best interests of our people, answered Bush. Ive been able to set clear goals.