Lane's Wife: He Choked, Hit Me

ByABC News
August 30, 2000, 1:03 AM

C H A R L O T T E, Aug. 30 -- Fred Lanes wife told a 911 operator that herhusband choked and hit her and said her baby wasnt his childbefore she shot the NFL running back in their home, according to arecording released Tuesday.

The 11-minute tape of the June 6 telephone conversation betweenDeidra Lane and the operator was released by Charlotte-Mecklenburgpolice one week after murder warrants were issued against her inher husbands death.

Shot Husband Twice

Deidra Lane told an operator that she shot her husband twice,minutes after he walked through the front door of their suburbanCharlotte home.

I was standing here and he came in. I just had the baby sevendays ago, Lane says on the tape, screaming and sobbing. And hecame in and he started choking me. He was like, That babys notmine. He started hitting me. He just got shot because he wouldntleave me alone. I kept telling him to stop.

Deidra Lane, 25, turned herself in to police Aug. 23. She isfree on $100,000 bond while she awaits a murder trial in the deathof the former Carolina Panthers player. She could receive life inprison or the death penalty if convicted of first-degree murder.

Police had been fighting a judges order to release the tape tothe media, but they decided to make it public Tuesday.

We thought it was just time, police attorney Mark Newboldsaid, declining to elaborate.

Deidra Lanes attorney, Henderson Hill, and Mecklenburg CountyAssistant District Attorney Marsha Goodenow, who is prosecuting thecase, both declined comment on the tape.

The tape covered the time from when she called 911 until policewere inside her home. After she spoke with the 911 operator, DeidraLane spent several hours giving police a voluntary statement aboutthe shooting.

There is Blood Everywhere

The 911 operator on the tape repeatedly tells a hystericalDeidra Lane to take a deep breath, calm down and tell her whathappened.